How to lose weight in a week

weight loss in a week

Unfortunately, quite a few overweight people have emerged in recent decades. However, we all dream of having ideal body proportions, so we try to try different diets to lose weight fast. Often people with a lot of extra pounds wonder how they can lose weight in a week by getting rid of more weight. In such cases, experts warn that in a week (depending on the initial body weight) you can get rid of 2-5 kg and no more.

Diet tips to lose weight in a week

Nutritionists have developed a special program that clearly answers the question of many who are interested in losing weight in a week, but without compromising their health.

  • First of all, it is necessary to radically change the diet. To do this, you need to create a separate notebook in which to write down the weekly menu. It should be remembered that to lose weight in a week, you need to significantly reduce your food intake. To determine it correctly, it is necessary to ensure that the food fits in the palm of your hand at the same time. Eat such "palms" no more than 6 times a day.
  • Another important factor in losing weight in a week is the principle of giving up many products. In particular, excessive salt intake should be eliminated from the diet (while table salt should be given up permanently). The usual salt should be replaced by sea salt (maximum 3 g per day). However, all foods high in sugar, and the sugar itself, must be eliminated from the diet.

To lose weight fast in a week and achieve a good result, you need to follow some rules.

  • In the morning you can drink 250 ml of water with lemon (green or white tea, etc. ), and after 30 minutes. you can eat any porridge (best steamed).
  • The next meal is best organized 2-3 hours after the first breakfast. It is recommended to include foods that contain natural proteins (such as eggs) in this diet.
  • Lunch should be no earlier than 2-3 hours after the second breakfast. It should be divided into two portions. It is better to eat liquid food (soups, cocktails) first, and after a few hours - solid food that contains animal protein.
  • Fruit can be eaten between lunch and dinner.
  • It is also recommended to divide the dinner into two parts. Before 19: 00It is necessary to include in the diet foods that contain omega acids and saturated fats (such as seafood).
  • In about 30-40 minutes. before bed you can eat some low-fat fermented milk product (such as natural yogurt).

It should be remembered that in the process of slimming, all dishes are best cooked in steam or fried.

How to lose weight in 2 weeks 10-15 kg

To get rid of the hated 10-15 kg once and for all, you can take advantage of expert advice on how to lose more than 10 kg in 2 weeks. To do this, nutritionists advise not to deviate from the following tips:

For the first 7 days, follow a diet designed to lose weight in a week, and for the second day - strain your body with intense physical activity (jumping rope, running on the spot, swimming).

In terms of nutrition, melon vegetables (pumpkins, zucchini) can be included in the daily diet. In addition, these products can be used both fried and raw (juices, salads, various cocktails). Such vegetables saturate the body well with the necessary nutrients, suppress the feeling of hunger, and at the same time have a minimum amount of calories.

Another important rule of fast weight loss is proper rest. It is not only about night (passive), but also day (active) rest. Hiking outside the city, outdoor sports games - will help you lose weight quickly and effectively in a minimum amount of time.